
July 3, 2024

Law enforcement officers are the backbone of our communities, keeping us safe and responding to crisis situations every day. But the weight of the job can take a toll. Between long hours, exposure to trauma, and the constant pressure to perform, mental health concerns are a serious issue for many officers.

We understand the unique challenges faced by law enforcement. That's why we're committed to supporting the mental well-being of the brave men and women who serve and protect.

Why is Mental Health Important for Law Enforcement?

Officers routinely encounter traumatic events, violence, and death. Over time, this exposure can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

These conditions can have a significant impact on an officer's life, both on and off the job. They can lead to problems with sleep, relationships, and work performance. In the worst cases, they can even contribute to suicide, which has become an increasing concern within the law enforcement community.

Building a Culture of Wellness

Fortunately, there's a lot that can be done to support officer mental health. Here are some key areas for building a culture of wellness:

Destigmatizing Mental Health: It's crucial to create an environment where officers feel comfortable seeking help for mental health concerns. Leadership needs to openly discuss the importance of mental well-being and encourage help-seeking behavior.

Providing Resources: Agencies should offer access to confidential mental health services, including counseling and support groups. However, we recognize that not all agencies have the bandwidth to provide services like this themselves. That’s why leaning on resources, such as COPLINE–a confidential 24-hour hotline answered by retired law enforcement officers–can be just as valuable.

Peer Support: Building a strong network of peer support can be a powerful tool. Officers who have experienced similar situations can provide understanding and encouragement to their colleagues.

Here are more resources to support your agency’s efforts to protect officers’ mental health:

Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Program (LEMHWA): LEMHWA is a program of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) that provides funding to law enforcement agencies for mental health and wellness programs. The LEMHWA website has information on the program, as well as resources on mental health and wellness for law enforcement officers.

Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS): In addition to providing support for survivors of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, COPS also provides support for LEOs and their families, including helping officers who are dealing with the loss of a co-worker.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): NAMI offers a variety of resources and support groups for law enforcement officers and their families. They have a website with information on mental health conditions, treatment options, and how to find help.